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Node Deployment Overview
Dormm avatar
Written by Dormm
Updated over a week ago

You need to access the Node Deployment Overview page to see all your available nodes. In the My Nodes section, you will see the entire list of your nodes that are currently spun up online, in progress, need assistance, or are offline. In this article we'll go through a specific node overview and what data and actions you can find.

1. Upgrade node - you can see if your node requires update unless you set up automatic upgrade in your settings.

2. Operations - you can find the list of operations in Docs for each coin.

2.1 Operation history - you can see status of each of your operations at the bottom of the overview page.

3. Node details - data to show IP address, RPC port, location, node version and network.

4. Node sensitive data - place where you can unhide passwords, encrypted files (wallets, mnemonics, etc.) and urls (example: Link to gRPC). These data are generated when you deploy a node or after operation running.

4.1. Decryption tool - you can decode the encrypted information using that tool.

NOTE: We don't save and store this data, so it's completely secured.

5. Delete node - you can remove your node.

NOTE: This action is non-reversible.

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